Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Madi....

This was the most recent photo shoot of Madison. She's trying hard to grow up extremely fast!!! But she knows, she'll always be my baby.
I've been working on adjusting the color on my shots. I like being able to make one shot, look SO different!!
This was the first time that I've attempted to merge 2 photos like this. I think it turned out pretty good!!! She looks like she's floating on a cloud, talking to the man on the moon. * By the way, I took both of these shots, myself! *

"Snow Day"

It's funny. We haven't seen snow around here in a long time, but when we did, the kids were already out for a teacher's work day. They didn't even get a real "snow day". What they did get, though, was really wet & cold! Oh, well. It was fun while it lasted.

Snap, snap....

I tried to plan a photo shoot for my son Drake, but as always, I was running late. It got dark too quick. I did manage to get one good one of him, then snapped a few of my grandma after that. Doesn't she look good to be over 80?

Last trip out.....

This was our last trip out on the lake (Lake Waccamaw, NC) for a while. We sold our boat. =[ I'm glad I was able to get a few good ones.