Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jerome, Madison & Drake

This is my husband, Jerome. He had always wanted portraits taken of him and the kids, and I decided to make it happen.

The Old Place

This is an old house that remains in my memories. I was told that I needed more "Art" photography in my portfolio, so I began to think of places or scenes. This house pounded in my head. Tell me what you think!?


This is my Madi! She is, without a doubt, my best friend. She always puts up with me snapping pictures of her, and never complains when I ask her to model for me.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


My son Drake is hard to catch! He's only 4, but is already a world-class athlete. Running is definitely his forte. But on this evening, I managed to snap a few shots before he crashed for the night.